Botswana Equity Watch | 05 Aug 2015: Botswana equity markets indices unable to sustain rises, DCI down -7.00 bps, DFCI, LASI all red…

Botswana (Capital Markets in Africa):- The BSE Equity Markets indices were unable to sustain the weeks rises in todays session as the DCI main, FCI, DFSI and local LASI indices all recorded downward movements into the red zone today.
The Botswana Domestic Composite Index (DCI) fell by -7.00 points to close at 10,9524.25 points down by 0.06 percent from its previous close of 10,958.54 points.
The Foreign Composite Index (FCI) recorded a slight change after days of holding at 1571.27 points falling -0.03 percent to close on 1571.24 points down from its previous close.
Likewise, the Local Asset Sector Index (LASI) recorded a fall of -7.00 points closing at 800.16 down 0.06 percent from its previous close of 800.23. (LASI is made up of the domestic companies and all foreign companies awarded the local asset status by the Ministry of Finance and development planning).
The Domestic financial Sector index (DFSI) which is composed of all domestic financial sector companies was also down -1.12 points to 1275.22 points, a 0.17 percent rise from its previous close of 1276.43 points.
The market capitalisation settled at BWP 422,560.04 at the end of the day’s session with the Domestic Equity Main Board accounting for BWP 51,916.02 million and the Foreign Equity Main Board accounting for BWP 370,644.02 million.
From a market activity perspective, the total daily volume settled at 1,525,601 shares traded which were exchanged from the 25,712 million Securities issued bringing the total turnover of those shares traded on the domestic and foreign main boards to BWP 2,162,373.51 million.
The market activity in terms of the securities traded volumes were lead by Turnstar which recorded the highest volume figures of 15,200 followed by Letshego with 5,744, Choppies with 4,703 and Sechaba with 3,535.
Looking at the price movers’, there were 5 securities on the Domestic main board that recorded price changes to the green zone and 1 on the red with 1 on the Foreign main board that recorded movement to the red zone.
Moving towards the green zone were Barclays up BWP 1 to close at BWP 437, Choppies up BWP 5 to close the day at BWP 515 per share, FSG up BWP 1 to close the day at BWP 261 per share, Sefalana up BWP 4 to close at BWP 1256 and Turnstar up BWP 1 to close at BWP 277. Furnmart lost by BWP -5 to close at BWP 154.
On the foreign companies main board SHUMBA lost BWP -5 to settle at BWP 130.